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Housing Not Handcuffs Movement


Updated: Jan 10

This is an open letter to all local leaders of Montgomery and Delaware Counties in response to City of Grants Pass v. Johnson. We ask for your pledge to advocate for sustainable affordable housing solutions for all.


Dear Supervisors, (or Commissioners/Councilors)  

Thank you for your commitment to serving your community. We recognize that as volunteers, you have many needs within your jurisdiction that are seeking your understanding and support.

Our request pertains to seeking your support in solving the myriad of issues surrounding affordable housing and the three distinct layers of it that we recognize all communities ultimately are forced to address – homeless shelter, affordable rentals and affordable homeownership. The homelessness part of the affordable housing crisis was brought into sharp focus as a result of the recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling in the case of Johnson vs. Grants Pass, that enables municipalities to fine, cite, and possibly arrest people for camping in public areas when they have nowhere else to shelter. Thus, we believe it is incumbent upon us all to take a swift and unified stand against factors which worsen the affordable housing crisis, further burden some of our most vulnerable community members, and act with an emphasis on comprehensive service to meet both intersectional and co-located needs of the unhoused population. If we can agree that housing-related needs and homelessness do not come about in a vacuum, we should acknowledge that our solutions and willingness to act mustn’t either. 

For this reason, jurisdictions throughout Pennsylvania and across the country will be asked to be responsible for showing compassion and commitment toward finding solutions to the spectrum of housing shortages, particularly those that are affordable, accessible and attainable. To this end, your leadership is crucial.  

Ask #1: Please do not criminalize homelessness. Instead, we suggest having law enforcement professionals connect those experiencing a lack of housing with social services providers such as Your Way Home, Access Services/Street Medicine. If you are already doing this, thank you.  

Ask #2: We respectfully request your help in removing any possible policymaking barriers that might impede development of affordable housing solutions in your jurisdiction. The two most important ingredients in building affordable shelter and housing are: affordable land and affordable financing. Organizations such as Grounded Solutions, and Local Housing Solutions Lab are two possible resources for ideas on specific zoning reform and other prescriptions that can empower your municipality to be part of the solution.

Looking forward, there are many dedicated groups working hard to address these problems, supported in large part by many of your constituents that are providing their time and money to provide solutions that are fair, right, honorable and equitable in support of their neighbors. Our individual responsibilities on these issues are unique, but our unified response to those in need shapes who we are as a community. We look forward to partnering with you because homelessness and the affordable housing crisis cannot be addressed by any one entity alone.  


Montco 30% Project Director Mike Hays

Habitat For Humanity MontDelco CEO Keith Sterling

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