In so many ways, this has been a tough year for me to feel grateful. The last twelve months have brought some challenges that have been difficult to move past and I’m a bit in limbo and not sure where I will land. At points in my life like this, I double-down on gratitude, even if it is for the smallest of things, like the mist rising through the trees in my back yard in the morning, or the warm bed I slept in last night. The smallest blessings help remind me how truly lucky I am and how this, too, shall pass. At times like these, I also focus on the joy of our mission and what gratitude I have in being able to serve families in our community. For me, I am truly grateful for being able to pay back the thousands of blessings that were granted to me and my son when we struggled for the stability of a home. I am blessed to act as a good steward to my fellow human beings, providing everyone the same opportunity to have a decent place to live. I watch our families work so hard toward building a home of their own and I am grateful to be able to accompany them on their journey towards permanent stability. I am also grateful that I get to come to work every day and see volunteers who are happy to be helping and grateful that they are physically able to do so. I am incredibly fortunate to work with a fantastically talented team who genuinely care about what they do and who they impact. Most importantly, I am grateful that I get to work with you, our supporters, and see how you dole out blessings to the people we serve every day. I am often left in tears when I see some of the gifts that arrive this time of year because I know what will happen with that gift. Because of you, we can start the next home for a mom and a son who just need a chance. We can fix one more roof for a senior or veteran. Your gift helps someone finishing up Almost Home have a savings account for the first time in their life and our focus neighborhood in Norristown grows its feeling of community. Your gift means hope – for the people, it is meant to impact and for those who do the work behind the scenes. So, let me extend the gratitude even further and give thanks to you – the people who make this mission possible. It’s very difficult to dwell in the negative when surrounded by so many blessings. Thank you for being that blessing to me and to our mission.
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